The most effective solutions are often found right in front of us in nature. We reveal the potential of plants for a more natural and sustainable beauty.
To ensure that our cosmetics are always more respectful of your skin and to offer highly effective products, we follow 4 strong principles:

We are inspired by what nature does best to develop effective and sustainable botanical solutions. We observe the structure of plants and the way they function in nature to draw inspiration from them and transpose their benefits to the skin.

We are inspired by what nature does best to develop effective and sustainable botanical solutions. We observe the structure of plants and the way they function in nature to draw inspiration from them and transpose their benefits to the skin.

We are committed to creating ever more natural formulas with plant extracts from positive agriculture and with a low impact on the environment.

100% natural extraction processes that optimize naturalness and enhance the diffusion of our plant extracts into the skin.
For more than 60 years, we have studied the best that nature has to offer in order to provide you with effective and sensory care products with extracts 100% derived from plants.
Our signature plants, from La Gacilly, wild chamomile, calendula, or cornflower, are UEBT certified (Union for Organic Ethical Trade) and cultivated using agroecological methods to promote a positive agriculture that contributes to the respect of natural resources and the regeneration of biodiversity.